
Best Summer Camp Toronto DiscoveryLand CampThis great resource of camp preparation tips from CampSpirit might be especially helpful for younger campers or first time comers to overnight summer camps.

Check it out – even experienced parents will find some practical advice.

A short summary of best preparation-for-camp tips:

  • Involve your kid in camp preparation.
  • Make sure the focus of the camp you’ve chosen (sport, art, leadership) matches both your values and your kid’s interest.
  • Label their stuff properly, check the camp’s requirements on luggage size and packing list.
  • Complete the Health Form – put down all the information you think the camp should know about your child.
  • Arrange some away-from-home time before the summer camp’s session starts- let your kid get used to being without parents in small doses.

The first part of the video emphasizes the life skills building experience at a residential camp. Being a fun place to go to, with all sport, art and leadership classes, DiscoveryLand Camp incorporates character building into every aspect of its program.


  • Anonymous
    Posted October 16, 2013 4:00 am 0Likes

    Much thanks again. Cool.

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