
When you are making an overnight (sleepover) camps decision, the most important questions are: “is my child ready for the overnight summer camp?” “is it in his/her best interest?”

By answering the following questions you might get better arguments for your decision:

-Do you think that the overnight summer camp that you choose is a good opportunity for your child:

  1. to develop and improve his/her social and communication skills?
  2. to gain a unique life experience? to learn new valuable skills?
  3. to enjoy favorite programs or activities? to try new activities that he/she dreamed of?
  4. Is it a best way to solve a child care question?
  5. Will the kid receive at least 60 minutes of structured physical activity most days of the camp session?
  6. Does you child like overnight experiences with friends or family members?
  7. Does you child like adventure?
  8. Does you child usually enjoy new experience?

If you answered “yes” to more that half of the questions, it looks like your child is ready for a successful camp experience.

It’s really helpful if you got such a great experience during your childhood and can share the best memories with your kid.

If your child is not certain to commit to a camp (which is common, if he or she come alone without sibling or friend), gentle encouragement is usually the key. Show the camp website, brochures, pictures and discuss the list of activities. Sometimes the child is ready and willing to go to a camp, but you have some concerns. Again, if you are first time camp parent, or are sending your child to this particular camp for the first time, it’s natural to worry. Remember that it’s always better to talk to the camp’s staff than to share your concerns with the child.

Looking for overnight summer camps in Canada, Ontario, not far from Toronto? Summer camp with life lasting benefits? DiscoveryLand Camp: 59 fun filled programs for kids and teens. Leadership, sports, art, and weight management.


  • Terri T. Hess
    Posted May 6, 2013 4:05 pm 0Likes

    Parents often ask how they will know if their child is ready for a camp away from home. Here are some general guidelines.

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